What if the »greats« of history weren’t really the people whose names everyone knows today? Are losers only losers because they were never in the right place at the right time? Would we have ever discovered gravity if Newton had been hit on the head by a brick rather than an apple? Plato was incredibly smart but in a shoot-out with Jesse James there would only have been one winner. What use is being a genius?
American/German/Swedish/Israeli multidisciplinary artists David Kern, Tamar Lamm, and Tilman O’Donnell have created a mixture of satire, concert and competitive hoedown featuring such famous historical figures as Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Joan of Arc, Socrates, Maria Callas, Abraham Lincoln and Sigmund Freud.
Premiere Weld, Stockholm January 31st 2020.
By & With: David Kern, Tilman O’Donnell, Tamar Lamm
Lights: Thomas Zamolo
Produced by Weld, Stockholm